There was a programme at RAJAGIRI campus, an arts festival for ORPHANS in and around Cohin. i was there at the site with my friends..i saw something very special..i thought i must share this wonderful small happening..
i was at the very back seat of the hall where the programme was being conducted..2 rows ahead of my row, there was a pack of 20 to 25 kids sitting..among them, the smallest of all
caught my attention...he was so naughty that he created all sorts of disturbances to all others in his circle...even i was irritated...he was such a nonsense..i even thought of giving him a small hit to make him calm..
the time was nearing noon...he was hungry..he was looking all around for food...he was constantly asking his senior in his pack, to give him some food...his senior stood up and gave him a cup of water from the filter...but since he was very young, he started to cry for food...i was watching all these but didnt care to giv him anything.....
Towards the very back of the hall, on a table, a volunteer suddenly came in with a small packet of biscuit...this small kid ran upto him and with great pain, begged him a piece of biscuit. the volunteer gave him the whole packet of bbiscuits to contained not more than 15 to 20 biscuits ...
U should have seen that brightness and happiness on this kids' face!!....i thought he will be eating all of the biscuits in one go.........
To my great SURPRISE, he came back to his pack. HE GAVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF HIS FRIENDS ATLEAST HALF A BISCUIT EACH....EVERYBODY were raising hands at him to get a piece of it.he gave the biscuits graciously to all.he gave his senior 1 biscuit too...BUT ATLAST, he didnt get even a small piece since he gave evrything in it, to everybody ..i think he knew that, in the end, he wont be getting anything , but he was ready to givee.....
he looked inside the packet to get a piece for didnt have anything.....i thought he would start to cry...surprisingly, he looked at the faces of his friends and smiled at them that he was happy to see their happy faces...he didnt grabbed anybodies biscuits instead he silently went back to his senior and sat on his lap....
his senior was watching him all the way , while he was sharing the biscuits to all...this senior too got a biscuit...i have seen this senior acting like, he was going to eat it, while he was offered one...but since my concentration was on the little kid, i ignored him...
AGAIN SURPRISE!!!! this senior boy, took this small kid in his lap and took the biscuit , (which was given to him by this little kid), gave that to the kid with a SWEET KISS SAYING " GOOD BOY"...the kid took it and was abt to eat the whole.....
AGAIN SURPRISE!!!!.....he broke down the biscuit into two and gave one half to his senior...he ensured that hs senior also enjoy its taste..the both had the biscuits together....the hugged eachother..they said nothing but looked at eachothers eyes.....
this little kid may be 4 yrs old and his senior may be 10 or 11 yrs old....BOTH WERE ORPHANS..
the pic actually shows the kid playing with his senior....
அன்னையும் தந்தையும் அற்றவர் அனாதை அல்ல. அன்பு செலுத்தத் தெரியாதவன் தான் அனாதை. அந்த சிறுவர்களிடையே இருக்கும் அன்புப் பிணைப்பை இன்று பெரும்பாலான குடும்பங்ளில் கூட பார்க்க முடியாது. உண்மையில் நாம் தான் பரிதாபமான நிலையில் இருக்கிறோம்.